Thursday, August 25, 2011

GABY'S BEAUTY BLOG: Giveaway: Win Your Very Own September Luxe Box!

GABY'S BEAUTY BLOG: Giveaway: Win Your Very Own September Luxe Box!: Luxe Box is an exciting and new subscription service that allows members to try beauty products in the comfort of their own home before buy...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good ideas gone bad

In the last 24 hours I've had a few really great ideas in concept, but when they are put into action the results are not as I had hoped they would be.

First I took an allergy pill last night around 11:30, it was one of those great first generation ones that not only cure your symptoms for a few hours but they also put you to sleep. It was night time, so I figured win win! I will not have a runny nose, won't sneeze and sleep like a baby! Well it was correct, allergy symptoms gone, sleep great, few hours not so much. More like all day I was in the zombie state of allergy free heaven. Good thing I didn't have to drive around all day or it could have been dangerous. Funny how just around the time that work is almost done I'm all of a sudden more awake....

My second one has seem to disappeared, as I can't remember it? I know that Canada Post screwed me over and is now holding my shower invitations that I procrastinated so hard on hostage. I am slightly worried that the sparkly star stickers I put all over them will make them a target for first ones to get forgotten or burned.... So plan b is coming into affect, no more cute invitations of the classy matter and going onto the calling of family and friends I don't know to tell them all about my lovely friends Tiki Shower happening in less than 3 weeks.

Then I am planning for a bachelorette party too, in less than 3 weeks for the same girl! I like a little challenge, some research and heart and tears. This party is going to be rocking, with its theme song already picked out, I think 80's sweet assed sweat shirts and tight pants are coming up next and then some dirty looking food.

So what I have learned? Don't sit on your hands with party plans, put them into affect! And don't take first generation allergy pills too late at night, best to take them earlier.

Friday, June 3, 2011

A little of a lot....

Where to begin? Well after my half marathon, I continued running... and then my running buddy got better and then I really got into the running again! Yay! I love running, and having a buddy to do it with makes it so much better. She is training for a half in July, I don't think that I will do that one with her. What I will do is train with her!

Want a little more? City Chase 2011, Edmonton, May 28th. Edge and I = The Blisters (yep by the end we had some new ones that took up residency on our feet and toes) The short of the story is that we started strong and ended weak! The plan we had was not executed as well as we hoped. There was a lot of running, Edge questioned my ability to run as I was super slow with the backpack on, as soon as he took over backpack duty 3 hours later I was like a little deer ready to bound through the streets of Edmonton and Edge turned into the sloth that got loose from the zoo. We had our ups (like the cute puppy that tried to take us down) and our lows (rock climbing blind folded, weak arms and 5 hours of running around = me almost crying). We had lucky times like the car pull mule thing and then we had our unlucky times like the university fiasco (where we did a lot of running back and forth a few times). We had happy times like singing in the car to the beach boys to our extremely rude bus driver that drove away from us and we ran two blocks, caught the bus behind it and then ran a block to catch up with the guy. Blood boils just writing about it. At the end of the 6 hour day we had finished 9 chase points, we needed 10. What we learned? I can't think while Edge talks, we don't read directions well at all and sweat head bands do work! I hope that we will do it again next year! We will kick the Chase Point Sheets ass and finish!

Now on the plate is A's birthday party and planning a bridal shower for my dear friend Fufu. I'm actually really excited about Fufu's wedding, it will be a blast and i get to see J and M!

So tomorrow is a 5k day, with a side of parade and house work, maybe a little lawn mowing. Sunday is a 16k run day and boy that will not be fun but with G it will be great!

Summer... not really here yet, as it snowed up north today, but I know it will show up soon.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


May, you are here already!

I am currently looking for new goals.

Disappointed with family.

So happy to have great friends.

Finished my 4th half marathon. It went really good and is keeping me wanting to run. I am so much further ahead of last years training.

Still love running.

In love with J.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So I have been on this lovely Earth for 30 years now. With so much to learn. Each year I am surprised by how much I don't know and what I get to experience.

29 was a good year, fairly uneventful in my personally little life, but the people around me, there was a lot to be had!

One fun thing I got to do at 29 was sort of DJ my great friends wedding, Mrs D, although she didn't actually let me be totally free and play my crazy, weird music, I still go to be the one saying I want to play this song she picked next.

I also got to experience having a very dear friend in an area in the world hit by a natural disaster, and see how some people would just be like okay, got my stuff, I'm outie. She showed how strong, and willing to adapt and go back. Yeah, we might not think she is all that smart, but she is very brave and a truly strong women. We do not know how we will deal with life until we are faced with it, and she is only going to be stronger and better to deal with my life issues now (sort of funny, come on!). We are all still hoping she comes back but their is a piece of me that wants her to stay, to be a role model, to be a person that I can be like if Whoolie can do it, I probably could too.

Another friend got engaged to her long time boyfriend, and is finishes her teaching degree. She is busy with so much in her life, I wonder how she has time to eat or sleep. I hope that she finds a little bit of me time, and look forward to seeing her in May and then to be apart of her wedding day. Still thinking of a great speech, and toast.

Then there is A, she has a baby girl, a year and a half, working full time and going for another with her wonderful husband. I am so happy that I live so close to her, although I think we need to see each other more often.

And I can't help but think am I someone that people think oh wow, she is doing great things too in her life.?

So what makes me feel like I'm doing shit! Well I'm not finishing my master anytime soon. I have no idea what I truly want to do with my life. I run more than anyone I know, except my running buddy, she is hardcore. I love red wine. I love J. I got new tires. I recently dusted off the sewing machine and got the juices flowing for DIY. Yeah, I'm not exactly where I thought I wanted to be, but I have a degree, I have a good paying job with people I like, I am in a relationship (that I want the next level, I am a girl that has been dreaming of her wedding forever, and I can make a decision to save your life), we have an awesome house, we have great friends, we have two great dogs, that love us as much as we love them (poop scooping the backyard tomorrow....) and well for 30 I hope I have many years left to find new to do's for my list and maybe complete a few that are still on there.

There are a lot of negatives out there, I'm trying to deal with them, but there is more positives and they are what keep me going. So year 30, what will you challenge me with, because I'm a lot stronger than I was last year.

Monday, April 4, 2011

When all the pieces fall....

Not really sure what the end result will be when everything is broken and all over the floor. But that is what I have to wait for. It is strange to just be watching from afar as events keep unfolding, getting uglier and uglier, and more like what once was will never actually be again.

There are reasons why I moved away, so I could be more independent and do things as I wanted to. There are reasons why I was never close with family, and why my friends are some of the most important people in my life. You get to pick them, and if they don't work out like many have in the past, it is just a way of life. The friends that are really important to you, you may fight with, cry with, laugh and have the best of times with them, they are the ones that I need in my life right now.

I personally feel like I'm losing my family, and well I could do something about it, I can't till they figure out what is going on and deal with the issues. I have tried, and now I'm done.

So I'm taking a step back, going to rely on my friends and J for support.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy and Sad

So glad/happy/excited/relieved/ so many emotions that Whoolie is back in Canada. I tried a lot of convincing and getting my message of get the F out of there! But I was not successful. With everything that was going on, and not getting better she was still willing to stay and wait. Unfortunately there was a crisis back at home that drew her back to us, and only time will tell if her coming back was the best thing that happened or if we were just being overly cautious. For now I know I am relaxed and happy she is safe. Now hopefully the rest of Japan can overcome this massive tragedy.

And secretly hoping that Whoolie will stay here in North America at least.....